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英飞凌34mm IGBT模块安装工艺要求

34mm Mounting Forces,34mm IGBT模块外形封装如下图:
34mm IGBT模块外形封装
34mm IGBT模块安装 -功率端子拉动力:
34mm IGBT模块安装 -功率端子拉动力
The modules must to be mounted in such way that the resulting pull-forces during mounting per power terminal of the module are limited to F+z≤200N. Pulling, shocking and/or vibrational forces at the power terminals have to be avoided. The connection must be done in nontensional conditions.
34mm IGBT模块安装 -控制端子拉动力:
34mm IGBT模块安装 -控制端子拉动力
The modules must to be mounted in such way that the resulting pull-forces during mounting per control terminal of the module are limited to F+z≤60N. Pulling, shocking and/or vibrational forces at the power terminals have to be avoided. The connection must be done in nontensional conditions.
34mm IGBT模块安装 -功率端子推动力:
34mm IGBT模块安装 -功率端子推动力
The modules must to be mounted in such way that the resulting push-forces during mounting per power terminal of the module are limited to F-z≤250N. Pushing, shocking and/or vibrational forces at the power terminals have to be avoided. The connection must be done in nontensional conditions.
34mm IGBT模块安装 -控制端子推动力:
34mm IGBT模块安装 -控制端子推动力
The modules must to be mounted in such way that the resulting push-forces during mounting per control terminal of the module are limited to F-z≤60N. Pushing, shocking and/or vibrational forces at the power terminals have to be avoided. The connection must be done in nontensional conditions.
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